IC'2002 Section on Web Services and Service-Oriented Architectures
Call for papers
Service-oriented architectures (SOA) are a new paradigm for software development
in which agents may dynamically discover and use Internet services. Internet services
are nothing more than components that can be accessed through the Internet to deliver
particular tasks. Examples of Internet services include online shopping carts, weather
information, stock quotes, and printing.
SOA enhance the traditional software development process, since programmers can built
applications based on Internet services, even if these services are not yet available
or not they are not known by developers. The idea is that services are described through
a service description language, dynamically discovered by applications that need to use them,
and invoked through the communication protocol defined in its interface.
This flexible architecture has already shown its usefulness. One example is the automation of
the B2B buying process, where buyers can dynamically discover sellers and perform the buying
process without human interaction. However, there are still many issues that should be addressed
in the design and implementation of service-based applications, including:
- Middleware support for SOA and Web services;
- Extensions and limitations of application protocols (SOAP, WSDL, UDDI);
- Security & trust;
- Service performance and availability;
- Applications of SOA and Web services.
Research papers and industrial reports on the above issues (or on any issue related
to SOA and Web services) are welcome.
The review process will be based on the quality of the submitted papers and their
relevance to the area.
Papers should have up to 7 single sided pages with font size of 10 to 12,
including figures and references. Papers should be submitted by e-mail to
the organizer in MS-WORD, or PDF.
The first page of the draft paper should include: title of the paper, name,
affiliation, postal address, e-mail address, telephone number, and fax number
for each author. Accepted papers will be part of the conference proceedings.
The length of the Camera-Ready papers (if accepted) will be
limited to 7 (IEEE style) pages. Papers must not have been
previously published or currently submitted for publication
Important dates
Submission deadline: March 15, 2002
Notification of acceptance: March 20, 2002
Camera-ready: April 22, 2002
Marcus Fontoura
IBM Almaden Research Center, 8CC/B1
Computer Science Department
650 Harry Road, San Jose, CA, 95120
Phone: (408) 927-1416
FAX: (408) 927-3215