First Workshop on Product Line Architectures for E-commerce

The 2001 International Conference on Internet Computing
(IC'2001: June 25-28, 2001, Las Vegas, NV, USA)

Call for papers

Given the exponential increase on information resources available on the Internet (World Wide Web) e-commerce applications have been given a lot of attention lately. E-commerce application vary from simple on-line catalogs to complex agents systems that have the distinguishing ability of automating repetitive and time consuming tasks, including searching, buying and selling products over the Internet. Most of the tasks involved in the standard consumer buying behavior process can be automated. Stages such as identification of needs, product brokering, merchant brokering, and negotiation can now be assisted or automated by many different agent-based systems. Merchants are currently struggling to explore new channels to negotiate their products, looking for opportunities to maximize their profits and at the same time to satisfy consumers. It is expected that e-commerce applications will make existing markets more efficient, change the role of the middleman, and make many small niche markets viable.

However, the Web is still an emerging technology, and as such, web-based software design is still in its infancy. On the other hand several object-oriented design techniques have become popular in the past few years, including design patterns, object-oriented frameworks, and product-line architectures. This workshop attempts to bring together researchers and practitioners interested in applying object-oriented design techniques to develop product-line architectures for e-commerce.

Interested participants should submit experience reports or research papers in one of the workshop areas. Relevant areas include (but are not are not limited to): Industrial reports on e-commerce development are particularly welcome. The review process will be based on the quality of the submitted papers and their relevance to the workshop main area.

Workshop organization

Based on the submissions some questions to be answered during the workshop will be prepared. Selected position papers relevant to the workshop main line will be presented and participants will be divided into small groups to answer the questions.

The main goal of the workshop is to come up with:

Important dates

Position papers should have between 3 and 5 single-spaced pages, including figures and references. Papers should be submitted by e-mail to the organizer in HTML (preferred), MS-WORD, or PDF. Accepted papers will be part of the conference proceedings

Submission deadline: March 31, 2001 (past)
Notification of acceptance: April 2, 2001 (past)
Camera-ready: May 1, 2001 (past)

List of accepted papers (in no specific order)


Marcus Fontoura
IBM Almaden Research Center, K57/D3
Computer Science Department
650 Harry Road, San Jose, CA, 95120
Phone: (408) 927-1416
FAX: (408) 927-3030